Maufer Consulting


My mentor always said that it's better to be lucky than good, but my response was always to ask why I can't be both. My philosophy is to look for win-win situations.

When asked about trying new things, many people will ask "Why?" whereas I am biased toward asking "Why not?"

How can I help you?

In no particular order...

  • I have extensive experience in IETF and IEEE protocol standardization. I am well-versed in IEEE 802.11 (Wi-Fi), unicast and multicast IP routing, for both IPv4 and IPv6. I have put the latter skills to use in helping to build Google Fiber in the early 2010s.

    • Furthermore, I have developed significant technical marketing expertise for Silicon Valley companies, including a successful startup, and can help you define messages that convey your secret sauce in a way that your customers will understand, and that are above all, technically accurate.

  • I have a global perspective from my home in Zürich, Switzerland, where I have lived for 4 years.

  • Not only the above, but I can offer advice on:

    • Video Engineering (broadcast TV -- US market), IPTV, transcoding, satellite receive site design, regional headend design, etc.

    • Site Reliability Engineering (defining SLA/SLI/SLOs, alerting, etc.) a.k.a. #devops

    • I am passionate about public alerting systems (e.g., US Emergency Alert System implementations as currently deployed by US cable TV and IPTV operators)

Who am I?

I have over 40 years of experience working for organizations like NASA, 3Com, NVIDIA, Mu Dynamics, Google Fiber, and YouTube. My educational background includes a BS in Physics and Mathematics, and an MS in Electrical Engineering.

My expertise spans technical marketing, sales and sales support, partner management, software architecture, program management, SRE/DevOps, as well as Network Engineering and Video Engineering. I have also designed and built dedicated data centers as well as remote data centers within colocation facilities.


During my career, I have written three books on IP networking, as well as contributing to or authoring 44 US patents, so I can help guide you through the translation of your ideas into legalese (you'll want to retain an intellectual property law firm, too -- I can recommend several).